The Clean Energy Connector provides energy bill savings through streamlined community solar subscriptions. By using the Connector, Developers and Subscription Managers can save money on acquisition costs and streamline enrollment without having to perform additional income verification. To get involved or learn more about the Connector please contact us.
Developed and maintained with funding from the Solar Energy Technologies Office within the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, learn more about the Clean Energy Connector on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) website. The Connector is currently being soft launched in three states – the District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Rhode Island – and is available to pilot subscription managers and local LIHEAP administrators in these states. New users can create accounts and use the Connector only upon request and approval by their participating state agencies.
At present, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Rhode Island are the only states/regions that have officially signed on to use the Connector. If you are a representative of another state and are interested in joining the Connector, please contact us through the form below.
The Connector aims to provide energy choice and meaningful savings through community solar by:
Developed by state governments, community solar programs typically allow participating households to subscribe to a solar system and receive an electric bill credit for electricity generated by their share of the system. Community solar can be a great option for people who are unable to install solar panels on their roofs because they are renters, can't afford solar, or because their roofs or electrical systems aren't suited to solar. Learn more about community solar here.
The Connector is a digital tool that state governments can use to help stakeholders in their states securely connect community solar subscriptions that provide meaningful electric bill savings.