The State LIHEAP Administrators are one of the four main user types on the Clean Energy Connector. This user consists of representatives from the state’s LIHEAP administering agency. Their main role on the Connector includes the following:
1. Invite and/or approve new local LIHEAP administrating agencies to create a user account in their state and begin operating on the Connector.
2. Upload aggregated households, on behalf of local LIHEAP administrating agencies, who opt-in to community solar when applying for LIHEAP (optional role).
3. Set prioritization factors for households on the platform so that households with greatest need are connected more quickly and to projects with the greatest benefits, based on state priorities in alignment with LIHEAP prioritization categories (optional role).
Currently, all local LIHEAP agencies on the Connector must first be invited by the State LIHEAP account. The State LIHEAP agency can send an email invitation to a representative from each local agency, which will allow them to create their account and invite additional local employees.