State LIHEAP Program Administrating Agency Articles
Household Weights Household Weights State LIHEAP Administrating Agencies have the option to assign weights to household characteristics to help ensure that households with the greatest need are connected to projects that offer the highest savings levels…
The State LIHEAP Administrators are one of the four main user types on the Clean Energy Connector. This user consists of representatives from the state’s LIHEAP administering agency. Their main role on the Connector includes the following: 1. Invite…
The account creation process is simple and should be consistent with the sign-up process for other types of internet accounts. If you are the first person creating an account for your organization: A Connector Administrator (currently the National Renewable…
See this link for a basic orientation for the core functions of State LIHEAP Administering Agencies on the Clean Energy Connector. DISCLAIMER: This tutorial shows a pre-launch version of the Connector. The look and function of the website is likely to…